Burundi is an east African state that borders Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and the democratic republic of the Congo to the west. The country lies between the lake Victoria and lake Tanganyika. The presidential republic gained its independence from Belgium on July 1, 1962.
.BI is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Burundi.
A .BI domain name can be used and registered by anyone or any corporation.
## Domain Restrictions
No pornographic, sexual or racist words such as sex, sexo, porn, porno, gay, lesbian, etc. Also, domain names like www.bi are not permitted. Restricted domain names will not be activated and the money will not be refunded.
A restricted domain is one of these : gov, net, edu, ac, com, co, int, mil, gouv or any other name related to government or public company use. Contact domain@nic.bi if you want to create such a domain. Note however that it will be assigned only if sponsored by an official authority. Generic names are also discouraged (such as bank, nom, art ... or a geographic notion) as it also misleads people.
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Maria, Nordingrå
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